eat and exercise for energy
Now with voice over! Learn how to use nutrition and fitness to improve your energy levels.
Our e-learning allows you to focus on your personal and professional development, wherever you are. Each course is broken down into easy to manage sections so you can work through them in your own time, at your own pace.
Our e-learning courses are open to everyone with a my caba account.
Sleep is important for your immune system, brain health and weight management. Become an expert in your personal sleep patterns and any sleep challenges. Explore practical ways to improve the quality of your sleep so you can start each day feeling refreshed and energised.
A good night's sleep is linked with an array of health benefits; from effective recovery from illness, increased focus at work and better mental wellbeing. Experts say we are chronically sleep deprived in the western world. So what is happening? Why are we losing sleep and how can we improve our sleeping hours? This course will address these questions, examining why we sleep and what happens when we sleep along with providing science based tips for getting a good night's sleep.
This course is made up of 1 module and will take around 30 minutes to complete. If you don't have time to complete the module in one go, you can always come back to the same place when you next login.
This course will give you a range of ideas to help improve both the quality and quantity of your sleep. You will learn the importance of sleep and how to create ideal sleep conditions, which in turn should improve your sleep, energy levels and performance.
This course is for anyone who has difficulties with sleep, whether you find it hard to get to or stay asleep or those who are sleep deprived. This course will not replace treatments or therapies prescribed or recommended by your health professional for severe insomnia or sleep conditions such as apnoea or narcolepsy.