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benefits advice

Understanding State Benefit Claims can be difficult, particularly if you are new to the UK benefits system - we can advise and support your applications to ensure you’re not missing out.

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You may find yourself in a situation where your financial circumstances change due to:

  • being made redundant
  • having a change in employment status
  • being unable to work due to a heath issue or disability
  • having to reduce working hours due to caring responsibilities
  • being in receipt of a low income due to retirement or becoming a lone parent

If this is the case, you may be eligible for state benefits from the Department for Work and Pensions or support via your local council. Benefits are available which are both means tested and non-means-tested.

Whatever your situation, we can advise with state benefit applications to ensure you're claiming everything you're entitled to.

our services 

Finding yourself in a situation where you may need to claim benefits such as Universal Credit, Council Tax reduction and Carer's Allowance can often be difficult to talk about. Our support officers can provide a listening non-judgemental ear about anything benefit-related and are here to support you. If you'd like to talk to a member of our team, dont hesitate to contact us. Don't forget, our support services are completley confidential to the ICAEW.

Our handy benefits calculator below can show you what financial support you may be entitled to, such as welfare benefits or grants.

Read our blog on understanding UK benefits for up-to-date information about benefits and who can apply for them.

find out more

what we offer

  • advice and guidance about the different benefits available through the state benefit system and your local council
  • benefit checks to help maximise your income or provide you with the tools to carry out a check
  • assistance and support with benefit claims including the the completion of claim forms
  • advice and support if a benefit claim has been declined. We can help with benefit appeals and offer representation at appeal hearings
  • short term financial assistance if you're experiencing difficulties meeting your essential expenditure whilst awaiting the outcome of a benefit claim

our tools

Take a look at our financial tools below to help get your finances on track. 


budget planners

Our free tools can create in-depth budgeting plans, giving you a breakdown of income and expenditure.


grants search tool

Find out which grants are available to you, based on your financial situation.


benefits calculator

Check which UK benefits you may be eligible for, including welfare benefits, grants and other support.

benefit FAQs

Do all benefits take into consideration income and capital?

No. For example, if you have a health issue or disability that affects your ability to carrying out daily living tasks and/or affects your mobility then you may be able to claim Personal Independence Payment (for people under state pension age) or Attendance Allowance (for people over state pension age). These benefits are non-means-tested and do not take into consideration your or your partner’s income or capital. There are also contributory benefits which are based on national insurance contributions and can be claimed if you are unemployed (New Style Jobseekers Allowance) or are not well enough to work (New Style Employment and Support Allowance).  Please see our UK benefits page for more details on these benefits.

What happens when I contact caba?

One of our team will have a chat with you about your situation. They'll listen to you, and they may be able to identify other ways in which we can support you alongside our benefit advice services. One of our benefit advisers will then be allocated to you as your support officer, and they'll be your main point of contact at caba.

How confidential is caba?

Everything you tell us is kept in the strictest of confidence. We don't share your personal information with any third parties, and that includes the ICAEW. Caba is a separate organisation from the ICAEW and is an independent charity with its own board of trustees.

I have money problems

If you’re struggling to pay your rent or mortgage, keep up with household repairs or pay for everyday essentials, we can help. Apply for a monthly shortfall grant to tide you over, or a donation to pay for a one-off expense, such as replacing essential white goods.

Are your services means-tested?

If you need financial support, we carry out a means test where we consider income, expenditure, capital and assets.  

*Please note none of our other services are means-tested. 

“I would say, if you’re struggling in any way, get in touch with caba – it will make all the difference. For my family it made an impossible situation possible again.”


caba client

The information in this article is designed to provide general advice only. The list of benefits is not exhaustive. Every effort has been made to make sure that the information is correct. However, as the benefits system is complicated and legislation can change, we recommend you seek expert advice in relation to your personal situation. 

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understanding UK benefits

Our in depth UK benefits list explores the different types of benefits and who's eligible to receive them.

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benefits calculator

This benefits calculator is supplied by Turn2us, a free, independent service which helps people access the money available to them – through welfare benefits, grants and other help.

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advice and support regarding state benefit claims

Understanding State Benefit Claims can be difficult, particularly if you are new to the UK benefits system - we can advise and support your applications to ensure you’re not missing out.

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benefits calculator

This benefits calculator is supplied by Turn2us, a free, independent service which helps people access the money available to them – through welfare benefits, grants and other help.

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