how staying active can lower dementia risk

Staying fit doesn’t just benefit us physically – it also keeps our brains functioning better as we age. Here are some of the ways staying fit can prevent dementia, which affects 1 in 6 people over 80.

Every year in the UK, 225,000 people develop dementia. That means one person is diagnosed every three minutes.  And this number is on the rise. There are currently 850,000 people living with dementia. This number is expected to reach 1m by 2025, and 2m by 2051. 

The biggest risk factor for developing dementia is something that can't be prevented – getting older. Statistics suggest one in six people over 80 have dementia.  

But the good news is, there are things you can do to reduce your risk. And one of these things is staying physically active. 

keeping active 

The Alzheimer's Society suggests that being active for at least 30 minutes, five times a week can help prevent you from developing dementia.  

The aim is to be active enough to get slightly out of breath and raise your heart rate.  

And it's never too late to start - regular physical exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming, or dancing reduces the risk of developing dementia in middle-aged and older adults. 

The Alzheimer's Research & Prevention Foundation even claims that being physically active can slow further deterioration in people who’ve already started to develop brain function problems.  

As well as moderate-intensity exercise such as walking or swimming, the charity recommends two to three sessions a week where you work on developing your muscle strength, along with balance and co-ordination exercises such as yoga, tai chi, or exercises using balance balls. 

how does being physically active benefit your brain?  

Exercise protects against Alzheimer's disease by stimulating the brain's ability to maintain old connections and make new ones. 

A new study, carried out by researchers from Goethe University in Frankfurt, and involving 60 participants between 65 and 85, examined the effects of regular exercise on brain metabolism and memory. 

Some of the participants followed an aerobic training programme by working out on exercise bikes for 30 minutes, three times a week for 12 weeks, while others did nothing.  

Before the exercise programme started, the participants had their fitness levels and cognitive performance assessed. They also had scans to determine their brain metabolism and structure.  

After the 12 weeks were over, they were examined again to find out if - and to what extent - exercise had affected their physical fitness and brain metabolism. 

Normally in cases of Alzheimer's disease, there’s an increased loss of nerve cells in the brain. This is accompanied by a rise in the concentration of a substance in the brain called choline, which is a marker of neurodegeneration. 

After 12 weeks, those who completed the exercise programme were found to have stable cerebral choline concentrations, but those who didn't exercise showed increased choline levels. 

The exercise group also enjoyed improved physical fitness. The researchers concluded that regular physical exercise not only boosts fitness, but also has a protective effect on the brain.  

If you're thinking of starting an exercise programme, always consult your doctor beforehand if you're new to exercise, haven't been very active lately, or if you have a medical condition. 

Looking for the healthy option? Go to our guide on creating a healthy balanced diet or sign up for our courses here.  

get in touch 

As an occupational charity, we help the ICAEW community thrive by equipping individuals with the practical, emotional, or financial tools to manage whatever’s in front of them, from everyday situations to exceptional life-changing circumstances.  

Our vision is that everyone in the ICAEW community can fully participate in life. 

All of our services are free, impartial and strictly confidential. 

We also work in partnership with Dementia UK to provide our community with access to Admiral Nurses via Dementia UK's Admiral Nursing Direct helpline. 

training and events

1 April 2025 12.30pm – 1.30pm BST

return to work: transition toolkit

Excited yet nervous about returning to work? Join us to gain confidence and tools for a smooth transition.
espresso series
3 April 2025 9.30am – 12.30pm BST

anxiety relief toolkit

Learn practical techniques to ease anxiety, understand its causes, and create your personal anxiety toolkit.
enhanced webinar
29 April 2025 12.30pm – 1.30pm BST

supercharge your sleep

Do you want to get a good night's sleep? Join us to discover practical tips and activities that will help you sleep longer and better.
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6 May 2025 12.30pm – 1.30pm BST

communicating compassionately

Want to build trust and rapport? Learn key strategies like body language and listening with compassion to foster meaningful connections.
espresso series

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your questions answered 

Who is eligible for support?

We support past and present members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW), ACA students, ICAEW staff members, and the family and carers of members and students. 

  1. No matter where your career takes you, past and present members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England Wales (ICAEW) are eligible for caba’s services for life, even if you change your career and leave accountancy 
  2. ACA students (ICAEW Provisional Members) who are either an active student or have been an active student within the last three years are eligible for caba's services 
  3. Past and present staff members of the ICAEW or caba are eligible for caba's services for life, even if you leave either organisation. Please note, for former employees, our financial support is only available to those who have had five years continuous employment with either organisation 
  4. Family members and carers of either an eligible past or present ICAEW member, ACA student or past or present employee of the ICAEW or caba are eligible for caba's support. We define a family member as a: 
    1. spouse, civil partner or cohabiting partner 
    2. widow, widower or surviving civil partner who has not remarried or cohabiting with a partner 
    3. divorced spouse or civil partner who has not remarried or cohabiting with a partner 
    4. child aged up to 25. Please note, children aged between 16 and 25 are not eligible for individual financial support 
    5. any other person who is dependent on the eligible individual supporting them financially or are reliant on the eligible individual’s care 
    6. any other person on whom the eligible individual is reliant, either financially or for care 

You can find out more about our available support both in the UK and around the world on our support we offer page and by using our interactive eligibility tool

Are your services means-tested?

If you need financial support, we carry out a means test where we consider income, expenditure, capital and assets.  

*Please note none of our other services are means-tested. 

I’m an accountant, but not a member of ICAEW, can you still help?

Unfortunately not. We only support past and present ICAEW members, their carers and their families. If we are unable to support you, where possible we will point you to help elsewhere.

caba has supported me in the past; can I receive support from caba again?

We understand that circumstances change. If we’ve helped you in the past there’s no reason why we can’t help you again. You can contact us at any time. Please call us if you need our help.

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