28 November 2024 9.30am – 12.30pm + Add to calendar enhanced webinar

what's this course about?

Though multitasking feels like doing two things at once, it's actually your brain switching rapidly between activities, which drains energy, reduces concentration, and hampers goal achievement. In this course, you'll learn to focus your attention, making tasks less exhausting, more achievable, and more fulfilling. You'll understand why multitasking feels enjoyable and why we get easily distracted. Through practical activities, you'll appreciate the benefits of doing one thing at a time.

what will you get out of it?

By the end of the session, you'll have step-by-step techniques to improve focus, manage distractions, and maintain attention on tasks, as well as: 

•    Use techniques to create a productive state of flow
•    Recognize your multitasking tendencies and distractions
•    Respond better to competing demands
•    Stay focused longer

meet your trainer