17 October 2024 9.30am – 12.30pm + Add to calendar enhanced webinar

what's this course about?

We think of happiness as the peak moments that come from pleasure and enjoyment, but this kind of happiness is short-lived. Through this course, you will acquire an understanding of the other form of happiness that is more sustainable, a deeper kind of happiness that comes from having meaning and purpose in life and is experienced as a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment.

what will you get out of it?

You’ll get to know the 2 dimensions of happiness and explore the 3 pillars of authentic happiness. We’ll provide you with scientifically-grounded tools to grow your happiness so you can:

  • Identify the different forms of happiness.
  • Know how to increase your experience of hedonic wellbeing.
  • Have a greater understanding of what gives your life meaning and purpose
  • Design your own action plan to grow your happiness and wellbeing

meet your trainer